

Amphenol RF’s broad portfolio of RF interconnect solutions support emerging autonomous warehouse technology. There is a significant amount of RF content including coaxial connectors, adapters and cable assemblies within these new technologies that enable key elements such as cameras, sensors and antennas. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even greater integration of autonomous robots across various industries, further revolutionizing the way goods are manufactured, stored, and delivered.

Amphenol RF enables robotics by seamlessly integrating RF interconnect to internal cameras, lidar, and ultrasonic sensors for navigation, obstacle avoidance, and environmental awareness. RF interconnects also provide high-speed data transfer capabilities that allow robots real-time data exchange for tasks that demand quick decision-making and precision, such as industrial automation and autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous Mobile Robots

Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are able to improve productivity and decrease damage during cargo handling. AMRs need seamless wired and wireless connectivity for maximum responsiveness, efficiency, and safety. Warehouse and delivery robots heavily rely on wired RF connectivity to give them eyes to support real-time situational awareness by combining multiple cameras, sensors, and Lidar.

Additional Resources:

Amphenol RF’s broad portfolio of RF interconnect solutions support emerging autonomous warehouse technology: Enabling Warehouse Robotics with RF Interconnect

Learn more about Amphenol RF’s extensive portfolio of RF interconnect that supports a variety of applications where RFID is commonly utilized: RF Interconnect Solutions for RFID


RF Interconnect in Modern Robotics:

Collision Avoidance

Collision avoidance enables robots to detect and navigate around obstacles in their environment to prevent collisions.


Bluetooth in robotics establishes short-range connections between devices so that users can control the robot as they want.

Cameras & Vision Systems

Camera and vision systems enable robots to visually interpret and interact with their environment, essential for tasks like object recognition and navigation.

GPS Navigation

GPS assists robots in determining their precise location and planning optimal routes, facilitating autonomous movements and positioning.

Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 6/6E

Wi-Fi, including the latest standards like Wi-Fi 6 and 6E, provides high-speed wireless networking capabilities for robots, facilitating remote control, data transfer, and connectivity to the internet.


RFID technology is employed in robotics for tracking and identifying objects, making it valuable for applications like inventory management and access control.

Real-Time Locating System (RTLS)

Real-time locating systems (RTLS) use various technologies such as RFID or GPS to accurately track the position of objects or robots in real time, aiding in navigation and logistics applications.